Senior Scholarships and College Info

Performing Arts Booster scholarship

Awarded to Caroline Yim, Vicky Ye and Lucy Clark.


Kamiakin Middle School Alumni Scholarships

Awarded to Kai Tuomisto


Juanita Elementary Alumni Scholarship


Carl Sandburg Alumni Scholarship


JHS PTSA Scholarship

Awarded to Ellis Nelson, Elizabeth Orswell, Jeremy Suzuki, Mustafa Qazi


JHS Booster Scholarship



Link to JHS College and Career Center

College Applications– Fall$$ differ from school to school.   Almost all applications will “open” or become available in the summer and then have deadlines between October and January.  Although applying to a number of schools can be a good idea for options, applications are roughly $60-90 each so choose wisely.
               *Common App and Coalition App – these are “clearinghouse” applications.  You fill in your personal data one time and then can check the schools you want to receive the app.  Many schools have an additional special essay section that you fill out, per school.  For the schools you are interested in, find out which application they use. 
               *University of California system has their own UC application.  You fill this out once and choose the UC schools you want it sent to.   Same thing for the California State system.

Teacher Recs – End of 11th grade.  some applications request recommendations from a teacher or advisor.  It’s a good idea to approach a teacher in the spring of your Junior year to ask if they are willing to write one for you.  Especially while your work is fresh in their mind.  At least give them a heads up so when you ask in the fall, they will be invested in your application.

Transcripts – college applications will ask for your school transcript – or list of classes taken.  You can send an “unofficial” one by typing in your class list.  But you may need to request an official transcript from the JHS office.  Contact the Counseling and Career Center with questions.

SAT and AP testing – Junior and Senior year.  $$
Many universities are bringing back the SAT/ACT score requirement.  Students will need to finish standardized testing by October of Senior year  to use the score on applications. 

AP tests – which are specific to a class – are taken in the spring of the year that you had that AP class.  Talk with your teacher about these subject specific tests.
PRO TIP: Students on Free and Reduced Lunch can have these test fees waived.  Contact your counselor or the College and Career Center.

FAFSA – December- Free Application for Federal Student Aid.  This is a single financial aid application that gets submitted to colleges you apply to.  It provides the info needed for each college or university to determine what financial aid they can offer you… including grants, scholarships, work studies, loans.

Regardless of financial status, complete the form, all students stand to benefit. 
Beware of false application sites or companies offering to fill it out for you for a fee. 
You can do it yourself at no charge.

The official federal site is

WUE – Western Undergraduate Exchange. An agreement among 16 states and territories, with 160+ participating public colleges and universities.  Through WUE, eligible students can choose from hundreds of undergraduate programs outside their home state and pay no more than 150% of that institution’s resident tuition rate. 
A student from Washington can attend Oregon State University for no more than 1 ½ times IN-STATE tuition.



Congratulations to the 2023 scholarship recipients! 
Thandi Dayton, Ty Hale, Ellie Hinnebusch, and Austin Picinich


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the JHS PTSA Scholarships Committee Chair, Jeannette Siemers, at