Please read this timely letter from the Principal of Finn Hill and EAS:

"As principal of Finn Hill Middle School and Environmental & Adventure School I want to make sure that families in our school have information about the upcoming school election for Lake Washington School District. All three measures fund construction, programs, staffing, and student services not funded by the state.

On January 24, the 2018 Special Election ballots were mailed to all Washington voters. For residents residing in Lake Washington School District (LWSD), these ballots include three funding measures: (1) a replacement Educational Programs & Operations Levy, (2) a replacement Capital Projects Levy, and (3) a bond. Fifteen other school districts in King County also have measures on their Special Election ballots. Local school district measures provide funding for important programs and operations not funded by the state.

The Educational Programs & Operations Levy, if approved, will replace the expiring Educational Programs & Operations levy. This levy provides funding for staff, programs and operations that are not being funded by the state. This levy funds 19.2% of LWSD’s programs and operations budget. It is the only locally-approved ballot measure that directly pays for day-to-day classroom and operational needs that are not funded by the state, including: staffing for special education, highly capable and English Learner programs; substitute staff; additional nurses, health room staff, campus security and transportation staff; early education programs; music programs; and athletics and after-school programs.

The Capital Projects Levy, if approved, will fund critical facility repairs and improvements to our existing school buildings and will ensure our students have access to technology for learning. This levy will pay for initiatives and support that the state does not provide funding for: classroom technology and training for teachers; laptops for middle school and high school students; large-scale school improvements like carpeting, roofs, and heating and cooling systems; and access to new technologies that support student learning across the district.

The bond to reduce overcrowding and enhance student learning environments, if approved, will allow the district to build more classroom space to address our significant growth. This bond will fund the following projects: rebuild and enlarge Kamiakin Middle School and Alcott Elementary; add a new elementary school in the Lake Washington Learning Community; build a new choice high school in Sammamish; create an addition at Lake Washington High School; buy land for future school buildings to meet continued growth; and support other capital projects to provide space for special education programs and modifications to facilities.

More information on each of these measures can be found at:

We remind our school communities at this time to participate in our democratic process by returning your ballot before the February 13 deadline.


Victor Scarpelli, Jr.
Principal, Finn Hill Middle School
Principal, Environmental & Adventure School
Lake Washington School District"